
Bear Axe Engineering

Website and Logo Design for Los Angeles based engineering duo.

Project Synopsis

Project Goals

Design a logo and basic website for a 2-wheeled engineering duo. A simple, 3-page layout was needed as the company was new and had limited content to show.


Ensure ease of use so that the owners can make edits as the company grows.  Being cognizant that it is an engineering company, but also be cognizant that their products are geared toward motorcyle enthusiasts primarily

Role on Project

All visual assets were created by me.


Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML, CSS, WordPress.

Final Products

Bear Axe Homepage
Bear Axe Tyler Phillips

Project Goals

Design a logo and basic website for a 2-wheeled engineering duo.


The challenges with this project:

A. My first professional project

B. Combining two strong images in the bear and the axe

C. Creating a logo that felt more playful than agressive

Bear Axe Iteration
Bear Axe Iteration
Bear Axe Iteration
Bear Axe Iteration


BearAxe Why we do it
Bear Axe Home
Bear Axe Who we are
Bear Axe What we do